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States of your Spanish Vodafone prepaid SIM card

Admin - March 8, 2020 3 Min. Read


If you are a Vodafone prepaid customer, your card can be found in any of these 5 states:

  • Pre-activated: If your prepaid card is new and you have not yet provided your buyer information, it is not activated yet.

  • Active: When your prepaid card has your buyer information and has no restrictions, it is already activated and you can use it. If in three months your card does not register outgoing activity (SMS, calls or data), 50 cents are charged for each month without that activity. The period of unused time is restarted each time you perform an outgoing activity.

  • Expired: If your prepaid card has not been recharged for 5 months and 15 days, you will receive an SMS message to be recharged. If you do not do it and 6 months have elapsed without having made any top-up, your prepaid card goes into expired status and you can no longer make calls (just receive them), even if you have not used up your entire balance.

  • Expired: When you have not recharged your prepaid card for 6 months and 15 days, you receive a new SMS to notify you of recharging. If you do not do it and 7 months have elapsed without recharging, your prepaid card has expired and you lose your prepaid numbering.

  • Disabled: Your expired prepaid number goes to deactivated status after a few days and is free for another customer, without the possibility of recovering it.

We recommend recharging your Vodafone card before 6 months.
You can recharge online from our store from € 5

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